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Monday, 28 December 2020
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Amid military hostilities with China and leading the world's only concrete plan to decouple from the Communist Party's monopoly on manufacturing, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as the leader of the free world's fight to contain Beijing, assuming a role now mostly vacated by President Donald Trump. Trump won his first presidential election largely on a promise to be tough on China after decades of criticizing his predecessors for allowing China to secure a stranglehold over the world economy and America's economy in particular. China currently manufactures more goods than anywhere else in the world and overpowers local economies by monopolizing the manufacture not just of complete goods, but of parts necessary for more complex goods all along the world's supply chains. Anyone nearly anywhere in the world making anything from antibiotics to computers is enriching the Chinese Communist Party. "We can't continue to allow China to rape our country and that's what they're doing.

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Home Film Il villaggio di cartone (2011) Il villaggio di cartone è un film di genere Drammatico del 2011 diretto da Ermanno Olmi con Michael Lonsdale e Rutger Hauer. Durata: 87 min. Distribuito in Italia da 01 Distribution. Paese di produzione: Italia. Data di uscita 7 Ottobre 2011 (Italia) Genere Drammatico Anno 2011 Regia Ermanno Olmi Attori Michael Lonsdale, Rutger Hauer, Massimo De Francovich, Alessandro Haber, Ibrahima Faye El Hadji, Irma Pino Viney, Fatima Alì, Samuels Leon Delroy, Fernando Chronda, Souleymane Sow, Linda Keny, Blaise Aurelien Ngoungou Essoua, Heven Tewelde, Rashidi Osaro Wamah, Prosper Elijah Keny Paese Italia Durata 87 Min Distribuzione 01 Distribution Trama La trama di Il villaggio di cartone (2011). Come un mucchio di stracci buttato là, sui gradini dell'altare. È il vecchio Prete, per tanti anni parroco in quella chiesa che ora non serve più e viene dismessa. Gli operai staccano dalle pareti i quadri dei santi e gli oggetti sacri più preziosi. Un lungo braccio meccanico stacca il grande Crocefisso a grandezza d'uomo appeso alla cuspide per calarlo a terra come uno sconfitto.

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24 Jan. 1991 One Man and a Baby Brandon learns some pitfalls of parenthood when he starts dating Melissa, a senior girl who has a six-month-old baby. Meanwhile, Brenda and Kelly win free skydiving lessons on a radio call-in show. After a few days of skydiving practice, they decide to set aside their fears of falling and take the plunge, literally. 31 Jan. 1991 Slumber Party Brenda throws a slumber party and invites Kelly, Donna and Andrea over for the night. But the evening turns sour when Kelly's venomous girlfriend, Amanda Pacer, joins the party and starts a game which brings out secrets that threaten the friendships between all of them. Meanwhile, Brandon and Steve go out together for a night of cruising and club hopping in which they end up getting duped by two girls who steal Steve's car. 14 Feb. 1991 East Side Story The Walshes allow a young Latino girl named Karla Montez, (their maid Anna's niece) to use their address so she can attend West Beverly High School. Brandon becomes intrigued with Karla, but he suspects that she's hiding something due to her wariness and a strange man following her around.